From the Heartland

This is my soap box, on these pages I publish my opinions on firearms and any other subject I feel like writing about.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

The truth about Concealed Carry legislation in Nebraska

For the past seven or eight years Senator gene Tyson has introduced legislation to regulate concealed carry of firearms in the state of Nebraska without success. Many would lay all of the blame for it's failure at the feet of Ernie Chambers (D-Omaha).

For years Senator Chambers has threatened to and has carried out a filibuster to stop the passage of this bill. In brief, it takes 26 votes to pass a bill. Senator Tyson has had that many and more to send it to a governor that said he WILL sign it. The shortfall is that it takes 33 votes to bring cloture to a filbuster, and Senator Tyson has continuely one or two votes shy of that number.

That is not the entire story, however, and the factual explanation for that will be a subject of it's own posting. For now it will suffice to say that there are any number of very pro-gun citizens and some legislators in the Cornhusker state that believe and can articulate that concealed carry is now and has always been Constitutionally legal in Nebraska, as it is in Vermont. It is their feeling that to allow the state to regulate concealed fireams would set precident for the regulation of all fireams, and they too testify against the concealed carry bill when ever it comes up in the legislature.

As said before a separate posting is forth coming detailing the position of those that insist that Nebraska has had "Vermont style" carry for a very long time. View this post as background and a heads up as to what you will see here in the future.


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