From the Heartland

This is my soap box, on these pages I publish my opinions on firearms and any other subject I feel like writing about.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

My biggest Pet Peeve

Just because you read something, please don't think you comprehended it.

My biggest pet peeve is when some supossedly "intellegent individual" reads something and then venemently repsonds to what he/she "thinks" they read. Many times the result calls the authors lineage into question without making any valid counterpoints. This most definately calls into question a persons intellegence level.

I can cite example after example where someone had obviously skimmed an article, without actually getting to the meat of the publication and inserted their own idea of what the author ment, and reacted in a half cocked manner.

This type of behavior generally starts a rather heated arguement that wastes page upon unnecessary page of a BB discussion with the end result of a mea culpa or hard feelings because someone was embarrassed after being shown wrong in a public forum. No one wants to be made to look bad in public and the best way to prevent that is to simply take the time to comprehend the meaning, rather than what you think it means.

It you are in dissagreement with an author state your reasons why, do not just respond with a liteney of accusations about their birthright. You are only debasing yourself if you do. If your not sure what the author ment then request clarification. On most BB's and Blogs the authors are generally happy to provide additional information.

Take the time to understand what the author implies, it will save a lot of grief and embarrassment. No one likes to be publically humiliated, but with the annonimity of the internet if you are percieved as being the self debasing type that responds in a uncomprehending manner there is a multitude of people that will make you painfully aware of your shortcomings in a very public forum.


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