From the Heartland

This is my soap box, on these pages I publish my opinions on firearms and any other subject I feel like writing about.

Monday, December 20, 2004

A Gunscribe Christmas

In many homes Christmas dinner means the traditional Turkey with all of the trappings. For more than a decade "Casa de Gun" has replaced this tradition with one of our own.

The main course served up at our abode consists of home made Enchiladas. Senora Gun prepares these to perfection using either chicken or game from the freezer if any is still available by Christmas. Past presentations have been done with turkey, pheasant or partridge.

Side dishes to the Enchiladas usually include home made versions of salsa, guacamole, and tortilla chips.

Desert generally includes apple pie and of course home made ice cream.

(Recipes available on request)

Another tradition observed is a trek to the trap range, with hand or foot operated throwers and of course handloaded shotshells.

Here's to each and every one of you that read this Blog. May the spirit of the season be kind to you and your families.

I wish for all of you the Merriest Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year.

For all my friends who's family history comes from south of the border - Deseo para usted la Feliz Navidad y un Año Nuevo feliz y próspero.

And just for Geek avec des 45 (for not having to write the Bill of Rights in la lengua francesa) - Je souhaite tout le vous le plus Joyeux Noël et nouvelle une année heureuse et prospère.


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