Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Due to the Holidays and the Gun's house being the family gathering center for these auspicious occassions blogging will be light to non-existant over the next several days.

When I started this Blog in July I had no idea what to expect. Since then you have given me a great deal of positive re-enforcement and encouragement. It has left me with the feeling that I am genuinely providing something worth while.

Thank you to God and Family for the time, strength, incite and courage to write this Blog.

Thank you everyone that reads this and especially those that have taken time to comment on select postings that were of interest to you.

Thank you as well to all of the other Bloggers that have linked to my postings, it is a privilage to be recognized by my peers for something I have written. Most of them are on my Blogroll and I read them everyday, if you have the time please do so, it is worth it.

Thank you to Publicola, who believed that I had some things to say worth reading, for insisting that I start my own Blog. Thank to SayUncle for providing me the opportunity to be a part of the Shooters Carnival, it is a privilage to be able to post my writings there with other really knowledgeable firearms enthusiasts. Thank you to Jed at Freedom Sight for providing the Saturday Fusillade for the time that you did.

As I said in a previous post Merry Christmas to each and all of you. May your New Year be prosperous and successfull.