Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Lincoln voters send Werner packing

At the time of this posting the results have not been officially certified, but Terry Werner is so far down in the numbers that even if there is a snafu he is out on his Democratic logo.
Hopefully that ass is also pulling a donkey cartload of grandiose schemes that he and the other social elite have been trying to impose on Lincolnites for the last several years.

How ironic that in the days leading up to the election that Terry Werner asked the citizens of Lincoln to give it a year for the Keno money to come back and the voters of Lincoln responded by giving Werner a mere matter of days to clean out his desk.
As it wrings out Ken Svoboda gets to keep his seat, Robin Eschliman is elected to one of the at large-seats and Dan Marvin will be seated in the other one that was up for grabs.

In Werners perfect world he would have been re-elected and Dan Marvin would have also been elected so that they could cram their liberal agenda get some important things done with Mayor Seng. That this was not done will hopefully be a constant reminder to the Mayor and Marvin when he takes his seat.

Note: As I was about to post this KLIN radio reports that the results linked above are official.

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