From the Heartland

This is my soap box, on these pages I publish my opinions on firearms and any other subject I feel like writing about.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

No one is above the Law

Those were the words that Jeff Fortenberry spoke to me last Thursday afternoon when I posed the following to him at an open meeting;

Recently the FBI effected a search warrant on a Representitives office, your thoughts!!

No one is above the law No one.

I also had a few private moments with him both before and after the open meeting. We had a couple of laughs and Jeff reminded me of the circumstances in which our families met.

I know and supported Jeff Fortenberry in his first run for the House of Representitives and I support him again in his campaign to defeat his current challenger - Matt Connealy in a dress.

Yes I finally said it. I have been thinking that for some time, ever since I found out she is comparing herself to her friend Matt Connealy who was Jeffs challenger he defeated to get elected in the first place.

There will be more campaign stuff as the election nears.

A few years ago I said I could vote for Ben Nelson depending on the Republican candidate that opposes him.

Nelson has been just barely okay on firearms issues and today his Republican challenger came out in support of Chuckies (Hagel) amnesty plan. Nelson is staunchly against it, as am I.

Secure the borders first then confront the problem that those that are already here pose. In other words if you have rabbits in your garden you build a fence (figuratively or literaly) and then address the ones that got caught in the garden after the fence was built.

Considering that things could change between now and the election I can very well see myself voting for Senator Nelson at this time.


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