From the Heartland

This is my soap box, on these pages I publish my opinions on firearms and any other subject I feel like writing about.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Nebraska's CCW bill back on the Unicameral floor

Lb 454, Nebraska's latest version of a CCW bill is back on the floor and being discussed for the second time this year.

All of this is a moot point however. The bill is laden with amendments many of which have been proposed by Senator Ernie Chambers.

One such amendment requires a formula to determine the number of firearms a licensed person can carry. It is complicated and involves something like: Taking the birthdate of the licensee and multiplying it by the date the permit was issued divided by the number of the current century minus the combined ages of all the applicants children .... Anyway you get the point.

Another Chambers amendment requires the violator, upon conviction to be transported to the law enforcement training center where the bills sponsor will be required by law to (with the weapon of her choice) shoot the trigger finger off of the offender.

Senator Chambers has vowed to kill this bill and is pulling out all of the stops necessary to do so.

Granted this is just another typical year in the Nebraska Unicameral, but one thing I had not seen in past years was the race card being played. That was done so today.

A Senator (not Ernie Chambers) stood up on the house floor today and addressed "all of the minorities listening to my voice or watching this on TV" that this bill is not for you, it is for the white people of this state. "Oh you will be able to get a CCW", he went on, but you will be treated different if the cops find out your carrying a gun and God help you if you ever have to shoot a white person with it."

Yes that was stated in the public record on the Unicameral floor today by a WHITE Senator from a district that encompasses part of Omaha.

The most disturbing rhetoric to me centers around the speeches given by those that are against LB 454. Their consensus is that the Nebraskans they represent cannot be trusted to make their own decisions for their own families safety and welfare.

Do you people understand that; Your elected leaders do not trust you. It doesn't matter whether you are for, against or just don't care about LB 454 you elected leaders do not trust you.

They think that you will turn the streets of Hometown, Nebraska red with blood if your allowed to carry a "hidden gun". Even though this has not happened in any of the other 20 plus states that have passed CCW in the last 20 years they are sure that the Citizens of Nebraska will be the exception to the rule.

I don't care how you feel about the issue, but I am outraged that the people that represent me think so little of me that they can proclaim on the house floor for the public record that they don't trust me.

I have not given them or anyone else any reason to doubt my maturity and/or level of intelligence to make my own decisions. That they file one after another up to a microphone on my house floor and state for the public record that I can not be trusted is an outrage and an affront to the very Republic we call the United States of America.

In closing I would like to think that every Nebraskan would be outraged by their elected leaders stating for the public record that they do not trust their constituency.


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