From the Heartland

This is my soap box, on these pages I publish my opinions on firearms and any other subject I feel like writing about.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Judge says; No common theme in sex case

Where's Bill "I'm looking out for you" O'Reilly when you need him?

Twice in two weeks now a judge has made a horrendous decision involving sexual crimes against children.

Last week a judge in the western part of the state gave probation to a a diminuative sex offender because she didn't think he woud survive life in the Greybar Inn.

This week a Lancaster County judge refused to merge two cases pending against former State Police Major Billy Hobbs. Sexually assaulting a minor and generating child pornography.

Judge declines to combine sex crime prosecutions

If I recall Hobbs was not former State Patrol Officer when he was arrested. He was still actively on the job when he was charged with having intimate relations with a 14 year old girl for the last two years. Yes she was only twleve when an active duty State Police Major allegedly began assaulting her.

After his arrest the authorities seemed to have found over five hundred pictures on his computer of various persons believed to be minors. He was susequentely charged with generating Child Pornography.

The Judges reason for not combining the two cases?

Only one perent of the pictures are of the girl. Only 20 percent are of the girl and her sister. The other 79 are other males and females.

The Judge does not think that the cases are related to each other; there is no common thread or theme between the sexual assault of a 12 year old girl and pictures of her on the alleged purpetrators computer.

Tell me Judge how many pictures would it take before you see a connection?


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