Thursday, August 26, 2004

Twice in one week ... Gee Chief could it be your fault?

KSDK News Channel 5 Reports on an early morning shootout involving Police Officers.

After the Supreme Court ruled that the Missouri Concealed Carry Law was constitutional, officers of several large city departments reportedly approached businesses in their jurisdictions telling them they were required to put up NO GUN ALLOWED signs.

The visits were apparently at the behest of the various Chiefs of Police and the intent was to inform businesses that the law required them to put these NO GUN Allowed signs in their windows.

It is also rumored that the officers delivered the appropriate signs themselves and that they were printed at tax payers expense.

Present day
Twice in the last week police have been shot at because they were chasing stolen vehicles that had firearms left in them.

I know I am not the only one that can see a cause and effect here.
Chief Mokwa, when you provide, at taxpayer expense, NO GUNS ALLOWED signs and tell people they are required to post them, this means law abiding citizens with a valid concealed carry permit, must leave their firearms in their vehicles if they choose to do business there.

It should come as no suprise to you, of all people, how dangerous that situation could be.
I don't know if those firearms were left in those vehicles because a permit holder was obeying the law. Only you and your department know that. But this clearly illustrates the folly that your anti-gun paranoia can and does cause.

Your side lost when the Supreme Court made it's decision and now your pigheaded vindictiveness, could be costing your officers their safety and maybe their very lives.