Friday, August 27, 2004

Senator Schimek denys her constituancy the means to be safe

This is the text of an e-mail that was forwarded to me. It was sent to that person by Senator Schimek. He should feel lucky, she will not respond to my e-mail.

Dear Mr. XXXX:
Thank you for sharing with me your insights on the Nebraska Concealed
Handgun Permit Act. I appreciate hearing from you.
My position on this issue has not changed; I continue to see more
potential harm than benefit from allowing the concealed weapon
permits in Nebraska. I have always believed there are better ways to
reduce violence.
Please don't hesitate to contact my office if you have further
questions or comments.
DiAnna R. Schimek

Senator Schimek, what potential more harm can there be if law-abiding peaceable citizens are carrying firearms?

Please tell us Senator. There is something like 46 out of our 50 states that recognize the citizens right to protect themselves. In the states that have enacted such laws crime has gone down.

Can we assume that you are referring to the criminals? They are the only ones who who need fear a citizen with a firearm.

Senator what better ways do you believe there is to reduce violence?

Station a policeman at the home of every single female in the state? Have the University hire enough officers to escort every female student to and from class and the dorm?

Police officers are rarely in the right place, at the right time to prevent or stop crimes against the person. Sadly in the majority of assault and rape cases all the police can do is take the report and investigate the crime, after the fact.

These crimes are devastating, on the victim, friends and family, and the effects are forever. A conviction can not un-rape or unassault one of your constituants Senator. Better the intended victim stop the crime than allow it to continue.

Senator your beliefs do a disservice to the women you represent. By denying them their God given right to defend themselves you are forcing them to be victims of crimes they could prevent themselves.

I have said it before and I will say it again here now:

People that believe in gun-control would rather see a woman raped, beaten and strangled with her own pantyhose in a dark alley, than to have her explain why she had no choice but to shoot her attacker.

Not a very nice message to send to your Mothers, wives, girlfriends, daughters or constituants is it DiAnna?

Stop trying to molly coddle the criminals by making their job safer Senator, instead empower the women you were elected to serve to make their lives safer for themselves.

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