Sunday, August 29, 2004

Finally someone who was on a boat with Kerry Speaks

Until now I have stayed away from the Kerry war record controversy, not because I haven't been interested, but because it generally doesn't fit the Nebraska niche I am trying to carve out for myself here.

My two previous posts specifically concerning John Kerry are;

Energizing his Base

I did not have swift boat relations with those veterans, Ms. Lewinsky.

I happened across a reletively new blog written by David Limbaugh, brother of either you love him or you hate syndicated talk show host Rush Limbaugh. David has a link to retired Navy Admiral Schachte and his comments concerning John Kerry.

Admiral Schachte, who had been ducking the press for months, broke his silence on the subject of John Kerry.

Schachte was on the boat and in command of it the night Kerry claims to have earned a Purple Heart. In his own words he discounts Kerrys version of events and should the matter to rest.