Let's just say that it has been a roller coaster of a summer.
When we relocated our business to Nebraska in 1994 we were not planning on making the Corn husker state our permanent home. We knew that the day would come when we would be moving away. Since I retired at the end of 2000 we began looking for the place we wanted to live out our days.
This will Explain my almost trademark OU ball cap
In 2003 we found that place; Oklahoma. Since that time we have been putting things in place to make that a reality. Even though there were a few we had shared that information with we, for the most part, played it pretty close to the vest.
A Devastating and Unexpected Loss
For those of you that know us personally you are painfully aware that we lost our youngest son in May. Many of you had known or met him and shared in some degree our loss. Kevin was 24 years old and used a firearm to end his own life.
That we had already planned to accomplish several things this year has been a saving grace in that we had a focus that has helped us get by and deal with our loss.
Recognizing hard work
It was also my pleasure on behalf of Alan Gottlieb and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to present a number of involved Nebraskans with Certificates of Appreciation for your hard work in making concealed carry a reality in Nebraska a few years ago and the utter defeat of Senator Ashfords atrocity this year. For many years I felt like I was the only one championing the cause. I have been delighted more than mere words can express the work that more and more of you are doing for the issue of "Gun Rights" in Nebraska. Take note that you have been successful and your hard work has been noticed and appreciated by several national organizations.
We have been very busy this summer
When Mrs Gun retired last November we knew 2008 would be the year. We have looked at several small ranch/farm type of properties in the Sooner state this summer and anticipate closing on one of them sometime during the winter months.
We had also had several trips planned this summer to visit family and friends around the country
Not counting the several trips to the Boomer Sooner state we have traveled to Ohio, upstate New York, Vermont, Philadelphia, Pa and our hometown of Horse Thief, New Mexico. With all of this traveling we had literally taken up residence in our 5th wheel travel trailer.
Gun Rights Policy Conference 2008
We also spent last weekend at the Gun Rights Policy Conference; Where we were able to re-acquaint with old friends and meet a few new ones. A lot is always learned from the many panel discussions, but the best time is always sitting around in the evening after the days discussions talking with friends like Dave Kopel and Jeff Knox. Friend Bob Barr, Libertarian Party Candidate for President, was there for the Saturday evening reception. During some of the private moments that Mrs Gun and I had with Bob we made plans to get together when we are in Georgia later this year.
One other thing we had been planning for sometime was to give the snow bird life a try
In fact I am writing this missive on my laptop from the kitchen table of our fifth wheel RV. Yes, thankfully many RV parks now have WiFi. We are comfortably located in an RV park near our hometown of Horse Thief. In addition to spending quality time with family we have rarely seen in years, I have already got to the range with one of and had coffee with another of the guys I shared an Indentured Servitude to Our rich Uncle with.
Yes we will be back in Nebraska from time to time and look forward to visiting with many of you while we are there. I am also not finished with this Blog. There are many more things I feel need to be addressed and as time permits I will be posting them.
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