From the Heartland

This is my soap box, on these pages I publish my opinions on firearms and any other subject I feel like writing about.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Morning After

Up Until Five this morning
Yes I was up until five o'clock his morning. In a previous post I wrote what would make my day. At the time I finally went to bed I knew that Carol Hudkins was still my Senator. That was a no brainer as she was running unoposed.

Jeff Fortenberry had also received a concilliatory call from Matt Connealy and became my Representitive to Washington.

Lancaster County had some trouble getting a final vote count out last night, but Hudkins and Heier were leading their democratic challengers Dolan and Boles. This morning it has been confirmed that the incubents keep their Commission seats.

In the final race that would make my day Daschel called and conceeded to the South Dakota Race to John Thune before I called it a night.

The Presidential Race as predicted came down to Ohio. At five this morning the Kerry campaign still felt that the outstanding provisional ballots could still make the difference. To my mind this was extremely wishfull thinking. It now appears that The Kerry camp has seen the writing on the wall and Kerry has made his concession speech to the President.

Clean Sweep
At this point all of the races that I wanted won were won, so why don't I feel like celebrating? I did a lot more work for this election than I have for any other in the past. I know that there are a lot of people out there that worked as hard or harder for their candidate and lost. That is one heck of a let down and I can appreciate how down those people are today.

Despite what I have had to say about some of the candidates, I know that their supporters believe in them with all their heart and soul. I know how these people are feeling for them this morning and I genuinely offer my heart felt condolences to them for their loss.


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