From the Heartland

This is my soap box, on these pages I publish my opinions on firearms and any other subject I feel like writing about.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Back Home again

Has been a great trip, but I am really glad to be back home.

In the last two weeks we have visited Justin in Ohio, attended the Gun Rights Policy Conference in DC, visted with friends Wayne & Chad in Virginia Beach and met a rather subdued Hurricane Jeanne.

Update: My apologies to Alex in NY, I didn't mean to leave you out.

We also had a wonderful, but too short time with the wife's relatives in the Philly area.

On our trip through Vermont, as I have already written, we spent time with my old High School chum Bryce Towsley.

The highlight of the trip, for me at least, was to upstate New York for my Grandmothers 90th birthday party. In addition, I actually got to spend time with cousins I grew up with and have not seen in over 30 years. Many thanks, Donna, Debbie, Diane and Hubert. It was also great to see Aunts Irene, Maxine, Barbie and Ruth, along with Uncles Paul, Don, Dan and Lee. I promise it won't be so long next time.

As a final note, about the trip, I was humbled to receive from my Uncle Paul a Winchester Rifle that was given to him when his Dad, my Grandfather passed away almost 30 years ago. Granddad got it from his Uncle Roy and I am proud to be the fourth generation in my family to take posession of this family heirloom which will some day belong to my oldest son. I have pictures of my Grandmother standing with me and Uncle Paul as he presented the keepsake to me. Thank you again Uncle Paul.

Lastly I especially want to thank all of my readers for hanging in there with me while I was away. It was hard to get or make time to get on line and keep things up on the blog. Thanks Fortfan for the plug, Two for the blog link, Eric and all the others out there that I don't even know by name. (Yes Thank you to my annonymous detractors too, all of you are what makes doing this blog enjoyable)

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