From the Heartland

This is my soap box, on these pages I publish my opinions on firearms and any other subject I feel like writing about.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

To Compensate or not to Compensate?

A friend sent me this from John Farnam That I thought would be of interest. Since I have infrequent e-mail cantact with John and he HAS given me written permission to republish his missives, as he puts it, "Spread the sunshine around", I will share this one with you.(Bold highlights are my own)>

From John Farnam: 16 Aug 04

On compensated" pistols, from a friend in SA:

I presented an Instructor's Course in Eastern Cape this past weekend. We
had one Taurus PT945 (integrally compensated). It made it through all of two
hundred rounds before malfunctioning so badly that its owner had to replace it
with another gun. When we pulled it off the line, it was a gummy, sooty

Its owner also discovered, to his displeasure, that the compensator made it
extremely painful to shoot this gun from close-retention and insufferable to shoot in the dark.

Lesson: "Compensators and barrel cuts have no legitimate place on serious pistols. Such guns need to be labeled, "for unimportant purposes only."



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